No Two Steps Alike, None Replay The Same

No two steps are the same, each step bears its own unique reality and truth in the “now” moment it was taken.  No need to fear exact “repeats” of any kind, as it is impossible to have an event or situation exactly repeat itself.  Once experienced, the event or situation remains its own unique segment of time.  How do we keep ourselves from fearing events that hold similar qualities or elements of past events we would not want to re-experience in any way, because of the pain or suffering they engaged?

What happens when there comes a time where we are faced with such an event, that we sense possibly holds familiar pain or suffering?  Do we run as fast as we can in the opposite direction?  Or, have we come together with this new event, in our power, strength and readiness, as an opportunity to redefine what it bears?  From a higher place, where we’ve grown wiser from the last time we experienced the similar situation? Stopped in our steps forward from the alarms going off within us, reminding us of our fear in the “remember when”, we are given a new opportunity to use all of our senses, opened to a new clarity of what is truly going on here and now.

It may seem challenging to let go of detailed instances of what we feel were “negative” events, yet know that even as these “negative” events may replay in our mind, none replay the same.  We come to understand that as we acknowledge the similarities in any two events we are empowering those similarities with meaning and purpose, for us to carry forward in our next steps.  Thus, even in our own mind we are given the opportunity to redefine the way we are replaying the experience evolving.  We can now allow our evolved hindsight and wisdom to bear a new reflection on what has transpired and a new way to interpret what confronts us now.

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